Tiny Traveler

The goldfinches are back! I spotted this one at the feeder yesterday, and it was kind enough to wait for me to get the camera and take some pictures before it flew off. They usually arrive between Thanksgiving and Christmas and are a welcome addition to our backyard aviary. Though drab in color for theContinue reading “Tiny Traveler”

Christmas Chardonnay

While decorating the Christmas tree recently, we decided to have a glass of Sidereus chardonnay as incentive. After every couple of orniments were placed, another sip was taken to urge us on. When all of the orniments were up, the wine was down and there was happiness all around. #christmas #chardonnay #sidereuswine #christmastree #chardonnnay

A “Blue” Christmas

Family came to visit us for the Christmas weekend including “Blue,” our favorite bunny. He has been a member of the family for the past couple of years and is always welcome at our house. He is very well behaved, his fur is soft and fluffy, and he loves petting. He was a sweet additionContinue reading “A “Blue” Christmas”